530nm Waterproof Green Laser Pointer for Diving Fishing Hiking, Camping, Trekking or Emergencies. You can use this high power green laser under water 5 meters .

Underwater Laser Pointers from apinex .
Waterproof laser pointers for scuba diving, Perfect for pointing out undersea life without disturbing the reef. They are constructed of aircraft grade aluminum and allows anyone to signal your diving partners easily.
D570-GL , OrcaTorch D570 is a 1000 lumens dive light specially designed for recreational diving and commercial diving. Besides regular white beam, it offers quick access to the green laser light. The two light sources can be controlled independently which meet your different usage scenes.
5 Best Laser Pointers for Underwater
Underwater Laser Pointer
OrcaTorch D570 GL
LuckLaser Diving Laser pointer
BALP-LG05-B150 Underwater Laser
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