
Product advantages
The use of nigh-tech, electrie ion carbonation function, instant sweep treckles senile plaques. flat moles, etc can be achieved without bleeding in the case offast safe and no side etfectsof medicat beauty
(1) The use of the latest technology, microcomputer control, sate.
Convenient. fast
(2) using2 adjustable scanspotpower output.
(3) Unique electric ion technol ogy. the use of the process will not make peoplefeel the existence of electric current
(4) plug-in, cabinet and convenient to carry, charge a time lo work more thanfive hours.
(5) The bottom LED light is illuminated, making work more convenient
Product features and usage
In addition to the spot
Including the contact spotlocation moves back and forth slightly.can be clearly found that the melanin in electrid acupun ctue after Soul zoom black fall off. if precioitation shallow spots area is leeser,can a removal.If a larger area of pigmentation is deeper It must Be 2 or 3 times todeal with more appropriate.should also pavattention to the hairdresser wher usingelectric acupuncturetreatment besides keeping customers pose.accordina to the hairdresserwitn the hand of ele ctric acupuncture shoule balancethe itter.lest cause burns when processing, shades, infliuence wound Healing. Leave scarphenomenon
Dot mole:
When do mole pay special attention to distinauish the mole extent some mole grows on the skin surface layer, and roorgrowth of moes, deep subcutaneous tissue including using the needle at atime when the ene of the cut surface of moles, the best way to burn in Smail squares, if growth relatively deep mole.besides should avoidinflammation after processed had better be in 2 to 3 days before the wound healingnourishing cream coated with a small iving cells, can prevent skin concave hoe, wher wiping nutrition frost. should oay attention to the Wound with in flammatios of the situation, if is not to wipe.
In addition to granulation:
The electricacupuncture mouthsightly contactgranulation derivative granulation rootcells to radiumradio needle burned to death About a weekafter granulation can fall off on their own, such asoranulation is small, can uselaser radio disposabienee die burning breedina ground for granulation. sudh as granulation is bio the duty to burn for Many times. lest affectwound healing.
In addition to tattoo and tattoo:
Cenerally burn tattoos and tattoos area is targer appropriate USES.
Large needie, the method of burning tattoo tattoo, roughily the same as the scanning spot. operatingtine may be slighty longer, the area istoo large (more than 3cm) should deal with many times, neverone time.
Otherwise. accidentally bacteria infection, consequencels unimaginable, beautician and customer should be especialy careful.
If you have severe infiammation of the situation, as soon as oossihle to the hospital for treatment.
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