Can a high power blue laser torch damage drones?

Laser weapons are great to burn vulnerable parts on all drones. But these lasers required a great deal of energy to produce that deadly power, for easily getting rid of all drones, starting with the 10 Kwatt laser, to 100 Kwatt and 200 Kwatt laser classes. But, I am somewhat surprised that the Isreali has the most powerful laser in the world with the 500 Kwatt class, in order to keep the Iranian weapons and missiles cooked as soon as they are fired into Isreal’s airspace.

I would say blue lasers can damage most commercially available drones easily if they are military grade directed energy weapon blue lasers but you would have to have a pretty powerful blue laser that could focus on a single point of a moving drone. If your talking about higher levels of drone again like military drones good luck with that or these drones people have been seeing in the sky lately then I really highly doubt it those drone seem to have more advanced technology and would likely use absorption or scattering methods similar to how the military might in the design of their bodies to basically absorb or scatter the laser light rendering it useless when it comes to trying to do damage. So is it possible, absolutely, is it probable for the blue lasers everyday people have to accomplish this to a moving drone even if commercially available drone, i doubt it very much. This is all my personal speculation you might recieve an answer that tells you different. It’s best to do personal research when dealing with topics like these they will lead you to you own conclusions, that might suit you better then my conclusions.
